Elements of AI
Elements of AI is a series of free online courses created by MinnaLearn and the University of Helsinki. It aims to demystify AI for the average person.
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Teemu Roos
Email ContactRelated Actors by Justice Area
Dr. Luis Felipe R. Murillo
Dr. Luis Felipe R. Murillo is assistant professor in anthropology at University of Notre Dame. His work examines practices of collaboration in moral economies of computing. Across several research projects within and beyond the Global North, Dr. Murillo's work investigates how social movements and science and technology experts design and implement open technologies as responses to pressing social, political, and environmental issues.
Community Health and Collective Security Environmental Justice ActorCathy O'Neil
Cathy O'Neil has written extensively about problems with using AI in a criminal justice context, as with bail-setting algorithms used by the City of Philadelphia. Her book, "Weapons of Math Destruction," is an early and widely-cited source on these issues. O'Neil is CEO of O'Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing (ORCAA).
Community Health and Collective Security Human RightsRelated Actors by Service Area
Ask AI
Ask AI is a nonprofit that helps students, workers, and everyday people keep track of the peaks and valleys of AI since its founding in 2017. Powered by a committed team of volunteers, Ask AI produces a newsletter, podcast, videos, free events, and open research.
Americas ActorRandi Williams
Dr. Randi Williams is an educator, tinkerer, and change agent at the forefront of AI and education. She earned her Ph.D. at the MIT Media Lab in 2024. As Program Manager at Algorithmic Justice League, her work equips researchers, policymakers, and everyday changemakers to responsibly use AI for positive social change.