Cathy O'Neil
Cathy O'Neil has written extensively about problems with using AI in a criminal justice context, as with bail-setting algorithms used by the City of Philadelphia. Her book, "Weapons of Math Destruction," is an early and widely-cited source on these issues. O'Neil is CEO of O'Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing (ORCAA).
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Cathy O'Neil
Email ContactRelated Actors by Justice Area
Kathy Reid
Kathy Reid is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University School of Cybernetics, where she researches voice data and dataset documentation. Her work focuses on automated accent bias in speech technologies, such as speech recognition. She works with Mozilla Foundation's Common Voice team on projects, including Our Voices, which encourages voice technologists to design models that disrupt bias.
Human Rights Racial Justice ActorDr J. Rosenbaum
Dr. J. Rosenbaum researches AI perceptions of gender and how gender minorities are represented in AI systems. They create art as part of practice-based research that helps to highlight the inadequacies of AI in a human and interactive way. Rosenbaums' thesis was on AI perceptions of gender and they have released papers on gender, on AI potential for creativity, and working with AI to help communicate to everyone the issues surrounding AI.
Gender Justice Human RightsRelated Actors by Service Area
Kathy Reid
Kathy Reid is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University School of Cybernetics, where she researches voice data and dataset documentation. Her work focuses on automated accent bias in speech technologies, such as speech recognition. She works with Mozilla Foundation's Common Voice team on projects, including Our Voices, which encourages voice technologists to design models that disrupt bias.
Global Oceania ActorMonash University
Dr. Emma L. Briant is Associate Professor of News and Political Communication at Monash University. She is a leading researcher and expert on contemporary propaganda and information warfare, and its governance in an age of mass surveillance. Her research was central to exposing the Cambridge Analytica scandal and has featured in several documentaries including Oscar-shortlisted "The Great Hack."
Asia Oceania