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Xnet / Institute for Democratic Digitalisation


Actor Type

Digital Rights

Justice Area(s)

Economic Justice

Human Rights

AI Impact(s)

Bias and Discrimination

Consumer Rights Violation

Inaccessible Tech

Lack of Data


Monopoly and Centralization

Opaque Systems Prevent Accountability

Privacy Violation





Simona Levi is an activist and she advises institutions on respecting human and digital rights. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Xnet / Institute for Democratic Digitalisation. Levi worked on the Gavius project (which created a virtual assistant to help government officials share resources with members of their community). She also does advocacy work at the national and European Union levels, and appears in the mass media to inform the audience about their digital rights (and threats to those rights). Her book on disinformation is titled "#FakeYou."

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Simona Levi

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