
Actor Type

Civil Society

Justice Area(s)

Gender Justice

Human Rights

Racial Justice

AI Impact(s)

Bias and Discrimination

Gender-based Violence

Human Rights Violation

LGBTQIA+ Discrimination

Migrant Discrimination

Racial discrimination


Violence/Hate Speech

Widening Geographic Inequality



Global South


Islamic Republic of

United States

Taraaz works on human rights impact assessments of AI-enabled products with a particular focus on issues affecting marginalized groups such as refugees, gender and sexual minorities, religious minorities, and human rights defenders. Some of the org's work includes researching data driven surveillance tools in the context of migration, and analyzing the discriminatory and flawed outcomes of automated asylum adjudication tools. Other issues it tackles include multilingual inconsistency in AI systems and their impacts on linguistic diversity and language hegemony.

Contact Taraaz

Roya Pakzad

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