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Meier Galblum Haigh


Actor Type

Civil Society

Justice Area(s)

Community Health and Collective Security

Disability Justice

Economic Justice

Gender Justice

Human Rights

Racial Justice

AI Impact(s)

Bias and Discrimination

Economic Harm and Inequity

Human Rights Violation

Inaccessible Tech

Lack of Data

LGBTQIA+ Discrimination

Public Interest Tech



United States

Meier Galblum Haigh (they/them) is Founder and Executive Director of the Disability Culture Lab. They are a nonbinary disabled human with 15+ years of experience at the intersection of movement building, media, and communications. They specialize in big narrative change and vision-first communications. Galblum Haigh co-founded not-for-profit social justice PR firm Megaphone Strategies with Van Jones’ Dream Corps, which served over 80 progressive candidates, movements, and social impact organizations. In five years, the team Meier built and co-ran elected now Secretary Deb Haaland to Congress, launched She the People, supported movements like the Women’s March and Black Lives Matter, and helped pass legislation to protect workers across numerous states with the Working Families Party — from securing paid sick days to universal pre-k and paid leave to increasing the minimum wage. Galblum Haigh has served as a Senior Advisor with New Disabled South for the last year and is an alum of Center for Popular Democracy, FitzGibbon Media,, the Obama for America Campaign, and numerous Democratic Party campaigns at the state and local level.

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Galblum Haigh Meier

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