
Actor Type


Justice Area(s)

Community Health and Collective Security

Environmental Justice

Human Rights

AI Impact(s)

Energy Consumption

Environmental Destruction and Climate Change

Human Rights Violation

Public Interest Tech



Jorge Vallego is a dedicated researcher and the creator of the H4rmony Project. He has pioneered the integration of ecological awareness into artificial intelligence through the application of ecolinguistics. His work focuses on modifying the narratives generated by AI to promote environmental sustainability, thereby addressing the critical intersection of technology and ecological justice. His innovative approach not only reshapes AI's potential impact, but also aligns it with global sustainability goals, making a significant contribution to environmental justice. Vallego's work primarily connects to Environmental Justice and Human Rights by addressing how AI can perpetuate or mitigate environmental harm. His foundational paper, "Ecolinguistics and AI: Integrating Eco-Awareness in Natural Language Processing," lays the groundwork for the H4rmony Project by arguing for the necessity of embedding sustainable and ecological values in AI systems. This project has developed practical methodologies and datasets, like the H4rmony dataset, to steer AI toward more ecologically responsible outputs. His work demonstrates how AI, often seen just as a technological tool, can be leveraged to promote public interest tech and counteract bias in environmental decision-making processes.

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