
Actor Type

Civil Society

Justice Area(s)

Human Rights

AI Impact(s)

Bias and Discrimination

Environmental Destruction and Climate Change

Far-Right Extremism and Radicalization

Gender-based Violence

Human Rights Violation

Lack of Data

LGBTIQA+ Discrimination


Migrant Discrimination

Public Interest Tech



Jordy Nijenhuis is a Netherlands-based storyteller, campaigner, consultant, and trainer. As Director of Dare To Be Grey, he leads efforts to counter polarization, disinformation, and hate. He is the co-founder of the European Observatory of Online Hate (EOOH) and dissemination officer at the International Network Against Cyber Hate (INACH), and is at the forefront of using AI to detect hate speech. Nijenhuis also trains human rights defenders in AI ethics. He's the lead trainer of the Digital Media to Counter Disinformation and Hate course at Radio Netherlands Training Center (RNTC), where he advocates for innovative approaches to tackling societal issues through media.

Contact Dare To Be Grey

Jordy Nijenhuis

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